A major plot point in “The Linen God” was a theory proposed by physics student and seminarian, Manny Lusum. In an attempt to prove the Shroud of Turin was actually the burial cloth wrapped around Jesus’ body after His crucifixion, Manny theorized the formation of Christ’s image on the Shroud came about via a burst of partical radiation caused by a supernatural event , the Resurrection. This “Scorch Theory” is actually a widely-held viewpoint by many Shroud advocates.
A new study, led by Alberto Carpinteri of the Politecnico di Torino in Italy, claims neutron emissions from high-frequency pressure waves generated in the Earth’s crust during an earthquake at the time of Jesus’ death, may have produced significant neutron emissions. These emissions could have not only created the iconic image, but also affected the radiocarbon levels that later suggested the Shroud was a medieval forgery.
These neutron emissions could have interacted directly with nitrogen atoms in the linen fibers, inducing chemical reactions that created the distinctive face image on the shroud, the scientists say. The reactions also could have led to an inaccurate radiocarbon dating, which would explain the results of the 1989 experiments.
Stay tuned!