Pope Francis I – St. Malachy’s final pope?


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,_2008.jpg” width=”519″ height=”616″ />In St. Malachy’s prophecy, the final pope (and the 112th since his death) would be referred to as Petrus Romanus, or “Peter of Rome”. There is no obvious connection, but was is interesting is the fact that Francis I (the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina) is actually the son of ITALIAN parents.Time may reveal more in the next few weeks. Or, could it be the Church was fully aware of Malachy’s prophecies and intentionally steered away from a “Peter of Rome”?

Did Nostradamus also predict a final pope?

Apparently Nostradamus, the 16th century French astrologer and seer, and St. Malachy, an eleventh century Irish bishop and also a respected clairvoyant, had one thing in common…..they each agreed the next Pope would be the last. (See previous blog post).

Nostradamus specifically warned that the second to the last pope would flee Rome “when the great comet is seen in the daytime.” The Comet ISON has been visible for the past couple months as Benedict has prepared prepared to leave the papacy.

If that’s not eerie enough

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, a bolt of lightning struck St. Peter’s Basilica the day Benedict announced his resignation and a few days later , a shower of meteorites devastated a village in Russia.

Food for thought.

Can a body without a head survive?

With the recent resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the pending conclave to choose his replacement

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, who’s in charge of the Catholic Church? The answer: Cardinal Carmerlengo Tarcisio Bertone. As official chamberlain to the former Pope and Vatican Secretary of State

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, Bertone is in charge of running the church, working with three assistants (cardinals) who are chosen at random and are replaced every three days.

In my new book, “the linen god”, this normal transition period procedure becomes anything BUT normal!

Shroud of Turin ostension – March 30 2013

The Vatican has announced this morning that Pope Benedict XVI, as one of his last acts as Pontiff, has authorized an exhibition of the Shroud on the Italian television network RAI Uno on March 30, 2013. It will be the first televised ostension of what Benedict calls “The Icon of Holy Saturday” in 40 years. I will update this post as more information becomes available, but I’m excited…since a similar events is a key plot point in my upcoming novel, “the linen god”. Stay tuned!

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Is demonic possession really poltergeists?

A recent segment by Animal Planet has suggested demonic possession

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, like the one depicted in the movie “The Exorcist”, could actually be the work of a poltergeist. Paranormal researchers have examined a number of cases of alleged demon possession and determined the physical manifestations of the victim are consistent with reports of malicious poltergeists.

Other researchers believe Rapid Systematic Psychokinesis may be the real culprit. RSPK is a form of pysychokinesis, or the ability of a mind to influence a physical system that cannot be entirely accounted for by the mediation of any known physical energy. Examples of psychokinesis could include distorting or moving an object or influencing the output of a random number generator.

In any case, there are forces in our physical world that defy logic and fly in the face of conventional wisdom. I, for one, am in the camp that believes Satan is real…..despite his best efforts to have us believe otherwise.

St. Malachy’s prophecy – Is the next Pope the last?



While on a trip to Rome in 1139, an obscure Irish bishop had a vision. But St. Malachy’s prophecy did not surface until 1590, over four hundred years after his death.  At the time, every Pope who had reigned during the prior four hundred forty seven years had been correctly identified by St. Malachy via a series of cryptic phrases.

He predicted a total of 112 more Popes

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, Pope Benedict being the 111th. The recent announcement of his resignation has raised concerns amongst many Catholics around the world that we were rapidly approaching the “End Times”, especially when you read the following prediciton by Malachy…..

‘”When the seven-hilled city (Rome) will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.”


Joshua Lisec




Spring ushers in the emergence of debut novelist Joshua Lisec’s first title in the Max Meyers Adventure series

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Papal resignation – conspiracy theories

Is it simply old age

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, or is Pope Benedict doing something that hasn’t been done in 600 years for another reason?

The rumors are flying around the inter-webs, but popular ones include:

1. There is a scandal about to rock the Catholic Church

2. On-going sex abuse allegations against priests

3. Additional details about his childhood in the Hitler Youth

4. St. Malachy’s prophetic warnings on the next Pope, “Peter of Rome”. (Addressed in “the linen god”)

There’s more, including a bizarre UFO coverup theory…..one covered in my next book, “The White King”.

New Pope? Conclave?

Excellent timing…..at least for the upcoming release of “the linen god”.

A major theme of my new book is the death of the current Pontiff and his posthumous declaration that he would be the FINAL POPE.

Suffice it to say….intrigue, miracles, and action are the orders-of-the-day when the declaration is read live to a global TV audience and a packed St. Peter’s Square!


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The Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin is the most studied religious relic in human history, yet it still baffles scientists today. For more information on its fascinating history, check out some of the sites below and visit my blog regularly.

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